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Tags: Christian Persecution, Rome, Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials, American Indian, Western Culture, Saint Augustine, The City of God, Retractions,  Cain, Abel, New Jerusalem, Babylon, Babel,  Sea Quest, Charles Darwin, Constantine, Milivian Bridge, Edict of Milan, Reformation, Institutionalized Church, WWII, American Protestants, church growth, C Peter Wagner, Church Growth Movement, John Dewey, theological liberalism

The City of God

To appease the bewildered and panic-stricken populace, the Roman emperors occasionally ordered a round of Christian persecutions. The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander His name and His dwelling place and those who live in heaven. He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. He was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast -- all those whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.

He who has an ear, let him hear. If anyone is to go into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed.

This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints. (Rev 13:5-10 niv)

Contemporary Romans blamed their woes on the fact that Romans had deserted their ancient deities for the Christian God. They felt that Christianity watered down the Roman will to conquer and rule in this world. Instead, Christianity had "misguided" Rome into seeking another kingdom.

This attitude towards blaming Christians for the downfall of society is one that is shared by the liberal humanist in our country today. It is in the name of trouncing on the person of Jesus Christ that the multiculturalist of today has turned his heart away from Western Civilization. He has sought to exalt the more "noble" pagan cultures of the world that have not been "defiled" with the Christian dogma. These societies are seen as being more "pure" and devoid of the "atrocious behavior" that has marked the Christian heritage. These people love to cite such instances as the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, slavery, and the poor treatment of the American Indian as proof of their claim that Western Culture is inferior because of its Christian base.

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In the Outland comic strip, Opus and his white Anglo-Saxon companion are met by the waitress who announces, "Hi! Welcome to Pizza Whoopie! Are you smoking or non-smoking?"

The Penguin tries to say, "Non-smmmph. . ." but his beak is held tightly shut.

"Smoking," the man assures.

"And you were born male?" the ecstatic waitress continues to inquire.




"Mortified by Rap?"


"Ancestors kicked butt?"


These responses have lead our two heroes to be gathered in tightly, spaced, roped off section with the sign affixed, " BORN INCORRECT."

Politely the confused penguin turns to his back to inquire of a black lady, "Could you pass the parmesan cheese, please?"


* * *

My niece asserted, as she attended the California State University at Bakersfield, that she would be required to take minority literature in her pursuit to fulfill her educational requisites. So what ever happened to the study of English literature? Where do Shakespeare, Herman Melville, and Mark Twain fit into all of this? The fact is, in the multiculturalists mind, they don't. These writers to them typify the despised Western spirit that was disgraced by Christian heritage. However, by ignoring the truth of our Western past, the humanists are turning their backs on the answers to the modern American dilemma that lie so obviously in the recesses of her own Western past.

Saint Augustine was the most astute mind that Rome ever produced. His book the City of God was written to dispel the notion that Christianity was the cause of the Roman woes. In his Retractions, he wrote, "When Rome was devastated as a result of the invasion of the Goths under the leadership of Alaric, the worshippers of the many false gods, whom we are accustomed to call pagan, began, in their attempt to blame this devastation on the Christian religion, to blaspheme the true God with more bitterness and sharpness that usual. Wherefore, fired with a zeal for God's house, I determined to write my book, The City of God, against their blasphemies and errors."

So profound were the arguments proposed in this work that the Roman critics of Christianity were absolutely silenced. Augustine proposed that it was not the Christianity of the latter Roman Emperors that caused the demise of the Empire, but rather the vices within the empire itself. Augustine contended that the greatness of the empire was due to its past virtues, those which its citizens had not the courage to put into practice. This behavior of good living could no longer be accomplished according to their love for their country.

However, the Christian God demands the very virtues necessary for greatness in society out of the love for Him. Thus, in the general breakdown of morality and of civic virtues that made the Empire great, divine authority would produce the frugal living, continence, friendship, justice and concord amongst citizens necessary for cultural success. Therefore, whoever truly loves God would be doing his best for his country through the exercise of Christian virtue, Augustine argued. Do we not hear that same contention in our society today?

If ancient Rome, Augustine debated, found greatness through virtues that were not born of God, how much more would she find greatness through that which was delivered by God? "For in the most opulent and illustrious empire of Rome," he contested, "God has shown how great is the influence of even civil virtues without true religion, in order that it might be understood that, when this is added to such virtues, men are made citizens of another commonwealth, of which the King is truth, the law is Love, and the duration is eternity."

Now, Augustine concluded that when Rome had lost all justice, it ceased to exist at all. What he was advancing was his concept of a "City of God" that in its essence would advance the justice of God among all men. True justice exists only in that republic whose founder and ruler is Christ. This city, he argued, would be the one that would stand.

Now Augustine stated that since all mankind has a common origin with Adam, they are brothers. This is regardless of race, color or appearance. Hence, we see it was in the Gospel of Christ that the concept of equality was born. However, Augustine noted a determining factor that separated men into camps and eroded what it meant to be equal. He noticed that Cain and Abel had the same father. They were two both equally men, but of two radically different wills. One loved good, the other loved evil.

All men fall into these two categories and therefore the two distinct societies that build themselves upon these two opposing dispositions. As men follow the example of Cain or Abel, they determine which city they belong to; the corrupt kingdom of the world or the "City of God."

"These are two loves," he wrote, "the one of which is holy, the other, unholy; one social, the other individualistic (humanism); one takes heed of the common utility because of the heavenly society, the other reduces even the commonweal to its own ends because of a proud lust of domination; the one is subject to God, the other sets itself up as a rival to God; the one is serene, the other tempestuous; the one peaceful, the other quarrelsome; the one prefers truthfulness to deceitful praises, the other is utterly void of praise; the one is friendly, the other jealous; the one desires for its neighbor what it would for itself, the other is desirous of lording it over his neighbor; the one directs its effort to the neighbor's good, the other to its own. . . Tell me what a people loves and I shall tell you what it is."

So, it is that the two societies are divided into those of the family of men who live by faith and the family of men who don't live by faith; the body of the faithful and the body of the unfaithful; the society of religious men and the society of the irreligious; those whom the love of God unites and those who are united through love of self; the city of New Jerusalem and that of Babylon, that is, Babel or confusion. One is the city of Christ. The other is the city of the devil. There was no middle ground in Augustine's eyes. Those who belong to the "City of God" are those who will build societies that will last.

The distinction Augustine was making is what divides the godly from the humanist. It is the narcissistic message of self that makes up the city of the devil -- the one that will bring a society to its ruin.

One night I was sitting with my kids watching an episode of the TV series Sea Quest. In this particular chapter of this underwater story, a particular scientist had won the scorn of his peers, and as a result turned to a life of thievery. He had embraced the concept that the universe had a distinct center, a concept that had earned the ridicule of the world's scientists. After faking a suicide, he pursued a career in obscurity under the high seas, stealing and then selling used parts. It was made evident that his life of crime was not a result of any particular choice of his will, but rather the low self-esteem that had developed out of his rejection by society.

While in the act of selling pirated materials to the captain of the Sea Quest he was able to gain entry to a classified area where scientists were busy teaching a dolphin named Darwin to talk. He was so intrigued by the animal that he stole it for the purpose of extracting information out of it concerning where the center of the universe was. You see, he believed that at one time dolphins ruled the land to the extent that they learned far more than humans. But in the evolutionary process, the dolphins, for unexplained reasons returned to the sea. Possibly life on land was too stressful, so they returned to the ocean where they could play.

At any rate, it was the professor's hope that the dolphins had remembered what they had learned when they lived on the land, and could now communicate the truth of the nature of the universe to him. Well, the dolphin would not talk to him. Apparently, the fish god who was to divulge all truth was a bit tongue-tied.

However, after an invasion by the crew of the Sea Quest, the divine beast was returned home. The professor was invited to come to the laboratory to communicate with his deity. When he asked where the center of the universe was, the "wise" mammal replied, "In you." The reaction of the professor assured all that this great secret would be the central fact that would transform his life as a misfit into one of value and success.

This is the foundation stone of humanism in the world today. It is a belief that each man is the center of his own universe. According to the humanist, it is around man that the rest of the world spins. This narcissistic doctrine is the cornerstone of our society today. It is the doctrine of demons that Augustine unmasked as the central cause for the destruction of the Roman Empire. No, it is not Christianity today that is the enemy of culture, as the liberal humanists contends. The very nemesis to society is the humanist himself. As the selfishness of humanism continues to erode everything that is respectable out of American life, we can look at Rome and know our end is just around the corner.


The Pagan Assault

Blaming the Christians for their woes did not help the Roman cause. By 235-285 the empire was in shambles. It was paganism that overwhelmed the Romans, as the barbarians swooped in from the north to devour their civilization. The truth of why Rome fell was that her armies were too busy fighting each other in order to elevate a new emperor every few years.

The history of Rome flies in the face of the modern humanistic ambition that wants us to believe that America's strength is in her diversity. It was a unified Rome that conquered the known world. It was a divided Rome that fell into the hands of the enemy.

The Barbarian force was very insignificant in the face of Rome's military might. It was a threat that could have easily been licked by a country that was united. Had the nation of Rome been really united on Christian principle, she would have had the same strength within her that saw Western domination of the whole world begin to rise as the leaders of the Reformation returned to the writings of Paul during the Reformation in Sixteenth century Europe.

Now the student of ancient Rome had heard the details of the Emperor Constantine's (306-337) conversion that ended 250 years of Christian persecution. After the battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 AD, it was said that he ascribed his victory over his enemy Maxentius to the intervention of the Christian God. He was attempting to wrestle the kingdom away from this other general who had an army three times as large of an army as his own and had the services of the infamous Praetorian Guard.

Apparently, in the evening before he was to go to battle, Constantine saw a cross above the sun as it was setting in the western sky. In letters of light the words shown through, "In this sign, conquer." He witnessed a great victory the next day.

As a result he instituted the Edict of Milan, which granted Christians the same rights as the followers of other religions had enjoyed. Finally, the Christians were to enjoy the same religious freedoms that had always existed in Rome for everyone else. Constantine had decreed complete religious toleration and the restoration of church property.

But there was a price the Church had to pay for their new religious freedom. Indeed, the Emperor donated large grants of money to the cause. The clergy was relieved of certain unpleasant duties. Large church buildings were constructed on sacred spots. Constantine forbade Sunday work. Being a Christian now became a passport to political, military, and social promotion. War was now used to advance the Christian cause as the traditional symbol of the Roman armies (the eagle) was replaced with the cross.

It was during this time when the heathen began to the join the church for its social advantages. The doctrine of salvation had changed from salvation through Jesus to salvation through the church. As a result, this influx of pagans created the first church attendees who were Christians in name only. Indeed, its wealth, prestige and power were a very powerful source by which the message of the Gospel in the Roman Church was undermined by paganism. It is no different today.


Big Churches Far From God

As we look at the church in America today, we see an organization that has been traditionally blessed with a favorable standing with the state. We have a vast empire of complex church organizations that are supported according to their tax-exempt status. This has created a situation where the church receives the moneys of a vast amount of people who know nothing of salvation in Christ, but will willingly hand their money into the plate in order to get that tax-break.

The tithing principle has created an atmosphere in which the church-goer has compartmentalized his life into sacred and secular. Pastors insist that their parishioners give their first 10 percent to the church in the same manner that the Old Testament Jews gave their tithe to the Levitical Priest. They have re-created temple worship as administered by priests as a result.

This type of teaching, which separates the Christian life into compartments, has lead many to believe that Christian living is something that is done at church rather than in life. It has given us the Christian chameleon who acts one way at church and another way on his job. It has caused ministers to believe that serving God is to be equated to serving the institutionalized Church.

Church becomes everything to these people, as their families and culture are ignored. If somebody doesn't give his life over to the Institutionalized Church, he is distinguished as a "Sunday morning Christian". But is the committed Christian the one who lives two contradictory lives? Compromise seems to be the fruit of the wealthy church.

It is noteworthy that modernism entered into the church at the very time when it had become rich. It was after WWI that the U.S. economy burgeoned into the wealth of the roaring twenties. During the period after the war, American Protestant churches began to build their immense sanctuaries. It was then that the church became institutionalized and big businesses. It was then that they again made the compromise with Constantine.

To run the machine, financial boards became more-and-more commonplace. The church was run by the wealthy now, rather than the Word of God. The life of worship departed from the church at that time, as formalism entered into the scene. Ministers and choirs donned their robes as the worship life was reduced to processionals, recessionals, and the like.

The life of God's message became lost on the cloak of liberalism. In the name of humanism, the miracles of Jesus were denied, and the knowledge of the supernatural was suspended. Because of this acceptance of the humanistic materialist view, Jesus, who was surrounded by the miracles they denied was taken out of history. No longer was He recognized as the historical Jesus, but a mythical figure and an example. The Bible was considered to be riddled with mistakes, and reduced as nothing more than a guideline. For all intensive purposes, God was dead in their minds. Is it any wonder that by the end of the twenties that the Scopes trials paved the way for the introduction of evolution into our schools? All of this occurred for the sake of money and power.

Most churches will take the money however it comes, just so it allows them to burgeon their lavish "ministries." All the while, the unconverted faithfully warm their pews, secure in the fact that they have given their ten percent; which is the central thing that the actions of their pastor assures them God is compelling of them to do. If they are big tithers, they will be the ones who will run the church.

Many a pastor has begun in a small ministry with a pure gospel coming from his lips spoken with conviction. But as the church grows, he makes compromises. He wants that big building, and he enlists the men in the alligator shoes to get it for him. These charlatans, who disguise their intents under the banner of "church growth", are no more than glorified Amway salesmen who promise the moon for nothing. They bolster themselves with the testimonies of the so-called successful in order to draw good men into their league. What they don't tell their unsuspecting victims is the consequences of their manipulative money-raising tactics.

Any good ministry is built in trust. With joy people come into a growing church because they hear a message of hope. But when they figure out they have been sold a bill of goods by a pastor who has forgotten his sheep to build the edifices of his own ambitions, they recognize it as betrayal. The poundings from the pulpit for more-and-more money become an agonizing affair for all. The pastor has become dependent upon the big spenders now that he has developed an overhead that is incomprehensible. Now, people are ministered to in accordance to how valuable they are as financial assets.

The word of God is the ultimate victim as the pastor sacrifices his convictions lest he offend those who support his grandiose schemes. In the name of God the pastor insists that this "seeker-friendly" scheme has been accomplished to His glory. But his allegiance to the mighty dollar has demonstrated where his devotion is. So, as he steps to that mighty pulpit to look towards the throng in the stalwart establishment he has constructed big enough to match his growing ego, he speaks the words of compromise and salutation. The church is never the same from that moment onward.

The demise of many good men has come through the solicitations of the invaders with the fancy alligator shoes. These assailants of the unaware have read the book on how not to do it and distributed it throughout the body of Christ. The title of the book is "Church Growth". This concept is thrown at unsuspecting pastors of young and growing churches to lure them to their demise.

It is not a coincidence that the Church Growth concept invaded the Evangelical and Charismatic churches through men such as C. Peter Wagner of Fuller Theological Seminary. There is nothing to marvel at when one notices that this college embraces liberal theological agendas. It is not a surprise that one of the main instigators of Church Growth principles in the seventies was John Wimber.

Before running with the Church Growth crowd, Wimber had adopted experimental theology in a manner that is very similar to the pragmatism of the humanist philosopher and social Darwinist, John Dewey. So, in Wimber's mind, theology is determined upon what you observe and what growth you see, just as the pragmatist Dewey proposed. The authority of the Scripture is subserviant to existential experiments. So truth is relative to experiences rather than the authority of the Bible. This lead Wimber's congregation to adopt Charismatic fanaticism even to the point of involving themselves in the New Age practice of visualization. Dewey promoted the situational morality that dominates that very humanistic thinking in our world today. The same dogma of non-absolutes is alive and well in the Church.

Is it any wonder that current Church Growth teachings have emanated from those who have embraced new theologies? Should one be stunned to discover that Church Growth principles originated with the promoters of theological existentialism? As we have seen in the age of Constantine and American theological liberalism in the early 20th Century, the accumulation of wealth has always taken its theological toll. It is as true today as it ever has been.

You will be able to tell when your pastor has pitched his tent towards the Church Growth Dream. His preaching will begin to loose its authority. The challenge you once received while listening will be absent now. He will begin to talk about what God can do for you, rather emphasizing your responsibility to serve and obey Him.

Now, the pastor seeks to soothe you and make you feel comfortable. So, he will begin to preach on matters that create little contention within the spirit of man. He will talk less about sin and its consequences. He will evade the subject of your accountability to God. In its place will be the message of tolerance. An accepting God will be described for you Who is so placid in His character that you forget what it feels to be uncomfortable and convinced of sin.

The conviction of the Holy Spirit in regards to sin will not be first in the preacher's mind. Money will be foremost, and the gathering of wealth into his coffers is not accomplished through messages that make people ill at ease. He will seek to please and appease rather than convince. . . that is, unless the subject is money.

When that subject comes up, every Old Testament Scripture that is available will be utilized to pour guilt upon your head until you realize that the only way you can please God is by giving your money to the preacher's cause. You will be told how you have your financial priorities wrong if you don't give to the church first. This will all be distinguished as giving to God, as if the aspirations of the Institutionalized Church and God were one in the same. All the while, his coveting and personal aspirations will hide under the veil of the very same rationalization.

"If the Church represents God," he will reason, "then what the Church does must be right." . . no matter how self-seeking is the motivation behind it.


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About the Author


Don Wigton is a graduate of the prestigious music department at CSULB where he studied under Frank Pooler, lyricist of Merry Christmas Darling, and sang in Pooler’s world renown University Choir alongside Karen and Richard Carpenter. During this time Don was also the lead composer of the band, Clovis Putney, that won the celebrated Hollywood Battle of the Bands. After giving his life to God, Don began attending Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa to study under some of the most prominent early Maranatha! musicians. Subsequently he toured the Western United States with Jedidiah in association with Myrrh Records.

Eventually Don served as a pastor at Calvary Chapel Bakersfield to witness thousands of salvations through that ministry. As the music/concert director, Don worked for seven years with most major Christian artist of that time while producing evangelical concerts attended by thousands of young people seeking after God. Don’s Calvary Chapel Praise Choir released the album Let All Who Hath Breath Praise the Lord on the Maranatha! label.

The next years of Don’s life were spent as the praise leader of First Baptist Church in Bakersfield during a time of unprecedented church renewal. Don teamed with the leadership to successfully meld the old with the new through a period of tremendous church growth. During this exciting time, Don’s praise team, Selah, produced the CD Stop and Think About It.

Today Don is the leading force behind Wigtune Company. This webbased project located at www.praisesong.net has provided several million downloads of Don’s music and hymn arrangements to tens of thousands of Christian organizations throughout the world. More music can be found at Don's Southern Cross Band website at www.socrossband.com.

The book Holy Wars represents Don’s most recent effort to bless the church with biblical instruction and direction in praise and worship. This heartfelt volume is an offering not only to God’s people, but also to God Himself.


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This second of five books looks into a pivotal moment in American history that corrupted her soul. It was a time when the United States was coming off an era of prosperity created by the sound economic policies, patriotism and faith of Ronald Reagan. However, during the '90s a president without scruples took the reigns of a house united and tore it asunder. As a result we live in a divided America on the brink of judgment.

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The gospel band Southern Cross features worship, praise chorus and ministry songs in contemporary rock, country rock and even classic genres. Click here to go to their page to listen to our mp3 music and find out how to have them come to your area!

All For Freedom!

Thanks to the men and women who give their all for our freedom.


Father's Eyes

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Uh Uh Uh

There are many lying voices out in the world calling us to sin and despair.


You Broke My Heart

Jesus said "Let your yes be yes and your no's be no's." When we break our word people get hurt.



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CLICK HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 to purchase a hard or soft cover copy of Don Wigton's book "Holy Wars" upon which this blog is based.

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Wigtune Company: Praise music and worship study resource.  Free Christian praise songs and hymns, chord charts for the contemporary chorus and traditonal hymn and gospel music, plus and on-line worship Bible study.

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Fredrik Cole: Trax In Space



Winsome International was founded by Dr. John Lavender of First Baptist Church, Bakersfield. Don Wigton of Wigtune Company was the worship and praise leader there during a great growth expansion. Click here to hear the teaching that inspired so many.




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Wigtune Company offers free mp3 Jesus based praise music and song along with traditional Christian hymns performed in a contemporary fashion in order to encourage the body of Christ to blend the old with the new in a scriptural fashion.  An on-line Bible study is offered that goes into the biblical and historical foundation of worship for music ministries, the music minister, praise leader, pastor and serious Bible student.  The study is presented in outline form with relevant scripture references and questions.  Download this helpful work for free! was formed as a service to the body of Christ to encourage scriptural worship. To accomplish this goal Wigtune Company offers free contemporary Christian praise and worship music, contemporary Christian rock and hymn mp3 and chart material along with a free on-line worship study book for personal devotions, Bible study groups, Sunday schools, pastors, music ministers and ministry training.  In order to bridge the gap between the old and the new the worship study book gives solid theological and historical support to the use of traditional Christian hymn-singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing.

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Wigtune Company believes that the current contention among Christian generations over church music is unnesessary.  One does not have to chose between the classic traditional hymn and the contemporary praise chorus and song.  Solomon declared that there is a place for everything under the sun. The worship musical material and the worship Bible study book offered at the Wigtune website support this theme. Vision Statement    Don and Vanessa Wigton share the vision of Wigtune Company.  Going to this page will inform the WEB surfer the circumstances that lead to the Wigtune offering of praise song and hymn along with the worship Bible study book that lends theology and history based support to the use of traditional Christian hymn singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing.   Wigtune Story    The Wigtune Company free on-line worship Bible study book is a manual for the use of the pastor, teacher, music minister, Bible study group, sunday school and any situation where a theological and historical lesson regarding worship is desired.  The Bible study is presented in outline form with questions that require thoughtful answers to the biblical and history based information that is presented.   Free On-Line Worship Studybook   

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.  Free Praise and Worship Music Mp3s and Charts   Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use. Wiggy's Top Ten Praise MP3s Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use. Radio: Listen to Wigtune Worship Music on Live Internet Radio

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.    Wigtune Praise Worship and Hymn CD's

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Click here to find out what organization are utilizing Wigtune contemporary Christian and traditional praise and worship music, chord charts, and online worship Bible study.  Where's Wiggy? - List and Links to Christian Organizations

  Click here to view the Wigtune statement of faith based upon orthodox Christian beliefs.  It is upon this profession that proclaims the doctrines of historical Christianity that the Wigtune praise and worship music and Bible study have been formulated.  Statement of Faith

Click here to view the Wigtune statement of faith based upon orthodox Christian beliefs.  It is upon this profession that proclaims the doctrines of historical Christianity that the Wigtune praise and worship music and Bible study have been formulated.   Special Report: Christianity in Russia - Has Anything Changed?

 The Wigtune Home Page: Free mp3 praise music and hymns sung in a contemporary fashion.  On-line worship study book for Bible students, music ministers, song leaders and pastors is also available!

This WEB page created by

Wigtune Company Praise and Worship Music Resource Center

Last updated on 08/14/12 This worship site for Christians was created in Front Page


Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.