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Tags: 911, World Trade Center, WTC, Ground Zero, Twin Towers, Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden, President George Bush, Operation Enduring Freedom, Donald Rumsfield, Afghanistan, Kabul, Kandahar, Taliban, Muslim, Islam, Muhammad, terrorist, terrorism, Dennis Hasert, Anthrax, Tom Daschle, FBI, Iraq, Operation Desert Storm, Saddam Hussein, Sutan Hasim Amed, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Tomahawk cruise missiles, Zionism, Ari Fleischer, Baghdad, Basra, Suwayrah, US Marines, Republican Guard, Maj. Gen. Peter Wall, Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Brig. General Vincent Brooks, Gen. Richard Myers, Lt. Gen. William Wallace, Collin Powell, Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks

America at War

And so, on October 7, America finally attacked as operation “Enduring Freedom” got under way. US and British forces unleashed punishing air strikes against military targets and Osama bin Laden’s training camps in Afghanistan. According to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield the strikes were intended to eliminate the Taliban’s air defenses and destroy their military aircraft. America would soon own the skies of Afghanistan just as Osama once terrorized US airspace. And the power of America would be known throughout the Muslim world as an example of what will happen to those who tread upon the prowess of Modern Rome.

“We will not waver, we will not tire,” President Bush promised. “We will not falter and we will not fail.”

Even as the United States began to systematically decimate the Taliban and al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden made a videotaped appearance to the world in order to utter his threats: “There is America, hit by God in one of its softest spots. Its greatest buildings were destroyed, thank God for that. There is America, full of fear from its north to its south, from its west to its east. Thank God for that.

“ . . I swear by God. . . neither America nor the people who live in it will dream of security before we live it in Palestine, and not before all the infidel armies leave the land of Muhammad, peace be upon him.”

Knowing that there could be terrorist retaliation the FBI said it was urging law enforcement agencies nationwide to “be at the highest level of vigilance and be prepared to respond to any act of terrorism or violence.”

Indeed, American fears were realized as terrorist-propagated attacks of the deadly biological weapon, Anthrax, began to appear. The source of the spread was ingenious as the powdered anthrax was placed in envelopes to be mailed to specific recipients.

On October 15, it was revealed that one of these recipients was Senator Tom Daschle. Early in the day officials announced that aides to the Senator opened a letter in his office that preliminary tests revealed had been laced with anthrax.

With one of his two offices closed and under quarantine for several days the senator promised that Congress would not cower under Osama’s threats. “The Senate and this institution will not stop,” he declared. “We will not cease our business and we will continue our work.”

However, on October 17 House leaders shut down operations through the weekend for extensive testing. This was a result of the fact that 31 Senate employees had tested positive for anthrax exposure. “To ensure safety, we thought it best to do a complete sweep, and environmental sweep,” Speaker Dennis Hasert asserted. Long lines immediately formed as congressional employees sought tests and the three-day supply of antibiotics distributed by health officials.

But this threat did not deter American resolve as US jets intensified attacks on Kabul and the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar. Victory was easily won, and the Taliban was driven out of power into the hills. Al-Qaida suffered a serious blow and was now on the run. But what happened to Osama? Nobody knew.

* * *

With this victory under his belt, President Bush turned his attention to the major player in the Axis of Evil. Saddam Hussein had repeatedly violated the agreement he had made with the UN after George Bush senior defeated him in “Operation Desert Storm.” He had failed to discontinue manufacturing weapons of mass destruction, chemical, biological and nuclear. He had kicked the UN inspectors, who were assigned to monitor the weapons situation, out of Iraq so that he could continue with his evil deeds. He remained a threat to the peace, a major player in the terrorist movement and no doubt played a significant role in the 9/11 attacks. President Bush utilized the rationale that Saddam had repeatedly violated UN agreements to gain support for his war against Iraq.

What would happen if Hussein developed a nuclear bomb and placed it in the hands of Osama? What would be the result of these terrorists getting their hands on Hussein’s biological and chemical weapons? George W. Bush was going to make certain that this would never happen. “On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein’s ability to wage war,” the president announced on March 19, 2003 as the war against Iraq called “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” officially began.

One of the strikes at Baghdad included missiles aimed specifically at the military leadership of Iraq, including Saddam Hussein. According to two senior military officials, American forces launched a “few dozen” Tomahawk cruise missiles from ships in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf in order to kill Saddam, his two sons, and other senior members of the Iraqi leadership. Though Saddam was not killed, this one strike apparently killed so many senior officials that the entire Iraqi army was left in disarray from that moment onward. The war was over even as it began.

Saddam appeared on videotape a few hours after the attack to say, “We promise you that Iraq, its leadership and its people will stand up to the evil invaders, and we will take them to such limits that they will lose their patience in achieving their plans, which are pushed by criminal Zionism.” However, when was this videotaped made, and who was actually on the videotape Saddam or one of his many doubles? Nobody knew for sure, but most supposed that Saddam was lying injured in a hospital by then.

That was the beginning of the air campaign. Then the next day, on March 20, the ground campaign began. As parts of Baghdad burned through the night, US and British Marines entered Iraq from Kuwait in what was to become the most successful and quickest military ground punch in the history of the world. An American cavalry unit mounted its relentless charge across the dessert towards Hussein’s capitol city.

Saddam appeared grim-faced on TV leading to suspicions with regards to whether it was he or a double. According to Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer, “We have reached no conclusion about that videotape as to whether that is or is not Saddam Hussein or what time that may or may not have been prerecorded.” But there were not any doubles posing as the president of the United States who was determined to take out this menace.

Even as the ground assault began, a second wave of air attacks pounded Baghdad with all the devastating power that modern high-technology warfare could bring. The military promised that the world would witness an air campaign that had never been witnessed before in human history. This strategy, dubbed “shock and awe” was designed to demoralize the Iraqi people into ultimate submission.

But that was only the beginning. On March 21, the blasts from the “shock and awe” campaign jolted the city of 5 million to its core. The Pentagon said that more than 1,5000 missiles and bombs rained down. “I’d like to put my name on one of them,” declared a crewmember of the USS Harry S. Truman.

In every other air attack in history, an air campaign meant decimating an entire city, including its citizenry. Not so with modern technology! For the first time in history the fire rained down from heaven only to hit specific targets while, for the most part, leaving innocent citizens, their homes and businesses and lives alone. The American attack left much of central Baghdad’s governmental center – including Hussein’s presidential palace – ablaze while the rest of the city was left in peace. Indeed, the goal of “shock and awe” was to destroy the leadership of Iraq, thus disorganizing the enemy’s defenses to leave the US military just to come in and sweep up.

On the ground, in the mean time, an entire division of Iraqi soldiers – at least 6,000 of them – surrendered in Southern Iraq. Two Marines were killed.

Indeed, in spite of America’s military might, there would be dangers to face. On March 22 the radical Muslims lived up to their terrorist reputation. The killer was an American who threw grenades and fired shots into a tent, killing one soldier and injuring 13 others. The murderer was a sergeant attached to an engineering unit, American citizen and a Muslim convert.

In the mean time, the advancing US army was already halfway to Baghdad. As the military rolled within 150 miles of the capital city allies boasted that “the instruments of tyranny are collapsing.”

However, President Bush was cautious in his assessment: “A campaign on harsh terrain in a vast country could be longer and more difficult that some have predicted. Helping Iraqis achieve a united, stable and free country will require our sustained commitment.”

Buildings in Baghdad, such as Saddam’s huge new palace, once symbols of his tyrannical regime, were left inhabitable as a result of the continued bombings. Nonetheless, senior Iraqi officials remained defiant.

In spite of these early successes, on March 23, President Bush remained cautious: “It is evident that it’s going to take a while to achieve our objective. I can assure the American people we’re making good progress and I can also assure them that this is just the beginning of a tough fight.”

His comments came after the allies were surprised by the resilient Iraqis who killed up to nine Marines in the southern city of An Naririyah. Iraqis faked a surrender then surprised American forces by opening fire on them. About 40 were wounded in the trick assault. Another ambush that left 12 soldiers missing in an incident also near An Nasiriya that may also have involved a surrender situation. No trick was beyond the enemy’s reach.

“It was a tough day of fighting for the coalition,” Brig. General Vincent Brooks admitted.

“Clearly they are not a beaten force,” added Gen. Richard Myers. “This is going to get a lot harder.

While coalition forces pressed within 100 miles of Baghdad, Hussein remained defiant while vowing “victory will be ours soon. Iraq will strike the neck (of the enemy) as God has commanded you. Strike them, and strike evil so that evil will be defeated.”

As Baghdad was pounded with the heaviest air strikes since Friday, the Hollywood elite was busily enjoying the Academy Awards. Far be it for Hollywood to be patriotic. And so, while Americans were dying on the battlefield to rid the world of a tyrant and free the Iraqi people from slavery, filmmaker Michael Moore protested the war in true peacenik fashion while declaring to his audience, “Shame on you, Mr. Bush.” Some of the Hollywood nuts booed. Others cheered.

“We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious president,” the ultra-liberal declared. “We live in a time where we have a man who’s sending us to war for fictitious reasons, whether it’s the fiction duct tape or the fiction of orange alerts.” As the orchestra played a cue for the traitor to leave the stage he shouted, “We are against the war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush. Shame on you.”

Even as the Hollywood elite continued in their treasonous ranting, US Marines, on March 25, fought warily against an enemy that would do anything to take a life. Residents in the border town, Safwan, stoned US forces.

“It felt great when we came in, with the crowds waiting and smiling. Now you wonder what’s behind those smiles – and what lies beneath those crowds,” revealed Lt. Colonel Michael Belcher. “It’s tough to win over their hearts and minds now, when you have to hold them at arm’s length.

Yet US revenge was certain as warplanes and helicopters attacked the Republican Guard defending Baghdad even as troops advanced within 50 miles. However, Iraqi resistance remained strong preventing both American and British forces from capturing the southern cities of Basra and An Nasiriyah. They also thwarted efforts to put out the oil fires set by Iraqis. Saddam remained defiant: “Be patient, brothers, because God’s victory will be ours soon.”

But, as Baghdad fell under renewed air attacks Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal assured, “Coalition forces are closing in on Baghdad.”

Yet fear was on Saddam’s side as he posted his most trusted militia, the Fedayeen Saddam to proceed behind Iraqi regulars with guns at their back. They told the regulars “fight or be shot in the back.” In addition, there were three Republican Guard divisions posted, believed to have numbered as many as 80,000 troops.

Baghdad was predicted to be messy. On March 25 advancing US forces were left virtually stalled in the worst sandstorm in years. “They’re driving across the desert, with huge clouds of dust and sand being kicked up into the air behind them,” said retired brigadier general Mitchell Zais. “If you’re not in the lead vehicle, you’re just sucking down huge amounts of dirt and sand.”

“When you’re in a sandstorm,” added Patrick Garrnett of GlobalSecurity.org, “You don’t have air operations. Murphy’s law reigns supreme.”

Nonetheless, while in the swirling storm 150 elite Iraqi soldiers were killed 100 miles south of the capital in the biggest battle of the war thus far.

The British were still having problems in the southern city of Basra (the second-largest Iraqi city), but popular uprisings against the regime were beginning to fester. ‘We Don’t’ know what has spurred them,” declared Maj. Gen. Peter Wall. “We don’t know where it will take us.”

In the mean time, Iraqis were busy executing American prisoners. A few American units had taken a wrong turn in Nasiriya and were captured and killed before the towns people. A videotape of the dead soldiers was shown on TV revealing American heroes with bullet wounds to the head.

President Bush remained cautious but optimistic: “We cannot know the duration of this war. Yet we know its outcome. We will prevail.”

March 27 brought the president’s words even closer to reality as Baghdad was barraged. US forces bombed the city, battering communications and command facilities in the nation’s capital. “Coalition air forces and Tomahawk missiles took out a communications and command and control facilities in the capital city during the night,” Lt. Cmdr. Charles Owens revealed.

According to Capt. Thomas A. Parker of the USS Kitty Hawk combat aircraft dropped bombs “just about as fast as we (could) load them.”

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield suggested that the US might just lay siege on the city if the regime remained defiant. And indeed the Iraqi crew did continue to spout off as Defense Minister Sultan Hashim Ahmed declared, “The enemy must come inside Baghdad, and that will be its grave.”

Perhaps the crazy Iraqi was right. Lt. Gen. William Wallace, in face of strong resistance was asked whether the fighting during the recent days increased the chances of a longer war than forecast. He replied, “It’s beginning to look that way.”

And so the House approved a resolution calling for a national day of humility, prayer and fasting in time of war and terrorism. The resolution stated that Americans should use the day of prayer “to seek guidance from God to achieve a greater understanding of our own failings and to learn how we can do better in our everyday activities, and gain resolve in meeting the challenges that confront our nation.”

On March 26 the US turned its attention to northern Iraq as airborne forces parachuted seizing an airfield to pose a new front against Hussein. Yet as swirling sand storms continued to pound coalition troops President Bush warned, “The war is far from over. There will be a day of reckoning for the Iraqi regime, and that day is drawing near. . . we are prepared for the battle ahead. We cannot predict the final day of the Iraqi regime, but I can assure you – and I assure the long-suffering people of Iraq – there will be a day of reckoning for the Iraqi regime, and that day is drawing near.”

But American troops now had to face Iraqi civilian suicide attacks. American military men watched as fighters attempted to drive a civilian bus, with passengers aboard, into a Bradley Fighting Vehicle. They destroyed the bus leaving the road littered with dead innocent bodies. “They have decided on suicide missions to get at us,’ said Capt. Jason Conroy. “We need to be really careful about any civilian vehicles approaching us.” So far the 7th cavalry had lost two Abrams tanks to attacks by civilian fuel tankers. “They are just running the trucks into the tanks and exploding them. They could do the same with cars loaded with (munitions).” In addition, Saddam outfitted many of his troops with American and British uniforms either to confuse invading forces or stage atrocities against innocent civilians that could be blamed on coalition troops.

Yet, in spite of the madness of the Iraqi regime, Americans pressed on successfully with their plans. The insane Hussein set fire of his own oilfields. But by March 26 the oil fields and pipelines in southern Iraq were basically intact. Thus the world’s second-largest proven crude reserves were in safe hands.

On May 28, while President Bush was cautioning of “further sacrifice” ahead,” the military was making sure that those sacrifices would be minimal. American forces dropped 1,000-pound bombs on the Republican Guard that were ringing Baghdad with their protective cover. So much for the danger of the famed Republican Guard.

But the Iraqi defense minister, Sutan Hasim Amed declared that the real fight would be with the Iraqi people: “The enemy must come inside Baghdad, and that will be its grave. We feel that this war must be prolonged so the enemy pays a high price.”

Syria was creating a bit of a problem. Their efforts to supply Iraq with night vision goggles and other military equipment drew a shark rebuke as the US considered such trafficking as hostile acts. America declared that it would hold the Syrian government accountable for its actions.

The war for the British remained tough in Basra. As civilians attempted to flee the war-torn city, Iraqi militias opened fire on them sending the panicked crowds into retreat. British Colonel Chris Vernon detailed, “Here perhaps are the first pieces of evidence of Iraqi people trying to break free from the Ba’ath Party regime and the militia. And clearly the militia don’t want that. They want to keep their population in there, and they fired on them to force them back in.”

Then, on March 29 the Iraqi leadership issued more threats even as a new suicide attack targeted Americans. A man drove his taxi into a US checkpoint in south-central Iraq and waved for help. When soldiers approached, the car exploded and four Americans died. One soldier commented that “now we’re going to have to treat every civilian vehicle like it is hostile.”

Iraq did not stop there. They upped their bid when they threatened to kill Americans on US soil as well. This obviously tied them to international terrorism. “It looks and feels like terrorism,” Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal assured.

But the terrorism did not stop with threats against the US. “They have deployed death squads into Iraqi cities to terrorize civilians and to try to prevent them from welcoming coalition forces, to try to compel the regular army to fight by putting guns to their heads, because they know that’s the only way to force them to fight for Saddam Hussein,” Donald Rumsfeld divulged.

According to Gen. McCorkle, “They’ve copied a lot of the tactics of Vietnam, in pretending to be your friend and then shooting at you, or pretending to give up and then shooting at you, or trying to hit your weak spot.”

Indeed, Iraq’s vice president assured that such terrorist attacks would be “routine military policy.”

With his eye on the destruction of the Republican Guard President Bush revealed, “We are now fighting the most desperate units of the dictator’s army.”

And the US military refused to slow down, capturing or killing 150 paramilitary fighters in the south and seizing two-dozen Republican Guards near Baghdad on March 30. “We have the power to be patient in this, and we’re not going to do anything before we’re ready,” General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assured.

Meanwhile in Basra, Iraqi troops continued to fire on their own citizens as they attempted to flee the city. This triggered a shootout with the British. The British were caught in a guerrilla campaign. “Without a doubt,” said Capt. Sam Debbit. “Civilians caught in the middle is a scenario we’re certainly going to see more often.”

“It’s impossible to identify who is the normal citizen,” sighed Maj. Peter MacMullen. “The person I want to stop is the lunatic who will go to our rear areas and shoot us up.” Indeed, the British had their work cut out for them as more than 1,000 Iraqi fighters remained in the city.

The Republican Guard around Baghdad was being decimated to half its size. US warplanes continued to pound leadership positions in the city. In the mean time, coalition ground forces were closing in on the country’s capital from the south, west and north. Hussein was hemmed in and bombed out.

On March 31 US ground forces began their encounter with Iraqi troops 50 miles south of Baghdad. “There are maneuvers going (on) to try to destroy those divisions that stand in our way,” Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal revealed.

“Day by day we are moving closer to Baghdad. Day by day we are moving closer to victory,” President Bush reveled. “. . . The dying regime in Iraq may try to bring terror to our shores. Other parts of the global terror network may view this as a moment to strike, thinking that we’re distracted. They’re wrong.”

However, Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri stated, “Every day that passes, the United States and Britain are sinking deeper in the mud of defeat. . . We shall turn the desert into a big graveyard for American and British troops.”

On April 1, in a daring show of the potency of American strength, special ops forces went right into an Iraqi stronghold to rescue Pfc. Jessica Lynch, who had been held captive since March 23 after her 15-member maintenance unit took a wrong turn in the desert separating them from the rest of the company. All America cheered the successful mission as it became more-and-more apparent that American forces had the power to do as they willed.

And soon that mighty power would be displayed. As army ground forces pushed toward Karbala after attacking Republican Guard units near the strategically-located holy city, it became evident that coalition forces were gearing up for their long-awaited assault on Baghdad.

“What you’re seeing today on the battlefield in Iraq is a continuation of prepping the battlefield for a major encounter with the Republican Guard,” revealed Navy Capt. Frank Thorp.

“Some of them have been degraded to pretty low percentages of combat capability, below 50 percent in. . . at least two cases, and we continue to work on them,” Gen. Richard Myers added.

Down south in Basra, the British fought on. Warplanes dropped laser-guided bombs on an intelligence complex in order to dislodge the diehard defenders who continued to keep the British at bay.

Even as the bombs continued to drop on Baghdad, Saddam summoned his country to a “jihad” or holy war, against the invaders. Saddam had always insisted on a secular government. Now, out of nowhere, he was becoming surprisingly religious.

Apparently Saddam’s call for jihad was effective with some. Arabs throughout the region were eager to join the dictator. One senior figure or another boasted daily that another 1,000 Arab volunteers had entered into Iraq to help. According to Vice president Taha Yassin, the count stood at 6,000, with half of them willing to commit suicide for the cause. Indeed Syria’s top Muslim authority, Sheikh Ahmad Kaftaro encouraged suicide bombing in Iraq when he said, “I call on all Muslims everywhere to use all means possible to thwart the aggression, including martyr operations against the belligerent American, British and Zionist invaders.”

“The prophet Mohammed warned that there would be no judgment day until the Muslims fight the Jews,” Abu Shinaf said. “We see no difference between the Americans and the Jews and, God willing, we Arabs can settle all our accounts with the Americans and the British. Damn America.”

Libyan volunteer Abu Shinaf declared, “I will stay there until the last infidel leaves the land of Iraq.

Iraq sees those volunteers in order to make it into an pan-Arab war and eventually a pan-Islamic war,” retired Syrian diplomat and general Haitham Kailani revealed. “They want to change it from an Iraqi war against America and its allies into an Islamic war.”

However, those loyal fundamentalists would have to fight a whole lot of American soldiers who were, by April 2, only 20 miles out of Baghdad after crippling or destroying two divisions of Republican Guards that stood in their way. There were no reports of ground casualties as the vastly superior US ground forces cut through and routed disorganized Iraqi forces. However, Hussein was collapsing most of his powerful defenses into the capital in order to increase his chances of success where he thought American firepower and technology could be less decisive. “It amazes me that you would not have your armored units meet us,” said Maj. Michael J. Johnson.

Down south in Najaf, throngs of Iraqi citizens greeted US troops in a grand show of enthusiasm. This was the first town of any size that Americans had fought for and taken control of. “Democracy!” said one man.

In Bashira American warplanes unleashed a ferocious attack on Iraqi lines. “Bombs came down like rain. Bombs came down like fire,” lamented an Iraqi soldier.

Yet, in Karbala an American Black Hawk helicopter and in southern Iraq a US Navy F/A-18C Hornet were shot down. This clearly demonstrated how dangerous the war remained.

Even as American troops pressed towards victory, another desert obstacle loomed ahead. A sustained heat wave was slowly building. Though US military officials indicated that troops had trained for those conditions and that they had plenty of water, the risk of heat-related illnesses loomed as a real possibility.

On April 3 Allied forces entered Saddam International Airport 10 miles from the center of the city and captured a portion of it as well. Special forces were turning up the heat all throughout Baghdad. According to a Colonel who would only call himself Randy, “Special Forces are everywhere. They’re going to put pressure on from just about every direction.”

President Bush was elated with the progress of the war commenting, “Moving a massive force over 200 miles of enemy territory in a matter of days is a superb achievement. . . Having traveled hundreds of miles, we will now go the last 200 yards. . . We will remove weapons of mass destruction from the hands of mass murderers. . . Overcoming evil is the noblest cause and the hardest work. And the liberation of millions is the fulfillment of America’s founding promises.

‘”. . . A vise is closing. Our destination is Baghdad, and we will accept nothing less than complete and final victory.”

Indeed, the president was right. On April 4, US forces fought their way to the center of Baghdad while columns of armored vehicles began to encircle the besieged metropolis. American troops simply moved right through Republican Guard divisions in their onslaught of the city. “We have substantial forces now moving into the city,” Navy Capt. Frank Thorp assured.

“They’re pretty much cut off in all directions,” Air Force Capt. Dani Burrows concurred. “Pretty much what you’ve got here is a chokehold around Baghdad.”

Searches for the alleged banned weapons were now going on. But nothing had been found yet.

About 35 miles south in Suwayrah, Army soldiers rolled over the Republican Guard and easily captured the entire base. Though Saddam urged his country to “strike them forcefully,” US Marines reported the surrender of about 2,500 members of Saddam’s fighting elite. So much for the celebrated Republican Guard!

“We are almost in control of their country, and we’ll be in complete control soon,” Secretary of State Colin Powell promised.

Indeed, on April 7 US troops strolled right into Saddam’s illustrious New Presidential Palace to make themselves at home. Among the ruins they found gold-painted faux French furniture, fabulous views of the Tigris River and a television in every room.

US troops also toppled a 40-foot statue of Saddam in a demonstration of the end of the regime. In the mean time US forces pressed into the city from two sides.

But dangers still loomed. According to Col. David Perkins: “We had a lot of suicide attackers today. These guys are going to die in droves. . . They keep trying to ram the tanks with car bombs.”

Nonetheless, according to army commander Perkins, “We can basically go wherever we want, even if Saddam is still alive.”

In spite of the fact that American troops filled the city, Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf remained in denial while claiming, “There is no presence of American infidels in the city of Baghdad at all.” Apparently the Iraqi leadership did not get it.

American intelligence had also learned of a high-level meeting in Baghdad between senior Iraqi intelligence and, possibly, Saddam and his two sons, Qusai and Odai. As a result the US sent massive bombs at the restaurant that hosted the event leaving a huge hole where the building once sat. Precision-guided 2,000 pound munitions left a smoking crater 60-feet deep. Though Iraqi’s ambassador to the UN later insisted that Saddam had escaped the attack, no one knew from that point on what happened to the dictator, because no one saw him from that point on.

And finally, after a two-week siege, the British finally took control over Basra. Hundreds of civilians poured onto the streets to welcome the victors.

“The hostilities phase is coming to a conclusion,” Collin Powell revealed.

Therefore, on April 8 US forces battled the tattered remnants of Hussein’s vanquished armed forces, taking control of downtown Baghdad and seizing a military airport. Now in the capital to stay, Army units in the north routed Iraqi fighters from a Republican guard headquarters setting it ablaze. From the east, marines successfully battled snipers as they moved deeper and deeper into the city. State run Iraqi propaganda television was knocked off the air. Outside the capital, US jets bombed Iraqi positions in the northern city of Kirkuk. This was still a Saddam stronghold.

Captain Frank Thorp related, “We are continuing to maintain our ability to conduct operations around and in Baghdad, and remove them from regime control.”

And Saddam was yet to be found. “I don’t know if he survived,” the bombing attack, Bush related. “The only thing I know is that he’s losing power.”

On April 9 jubilation filled the streets of Baghdad as the US finally and officially brought Saddams rule to an end. The sounds of freedom were in the air as Iraqis beheaded a toppled statue of Saddam in downtown Baghdad while embracing American troops as liberators. Decades of pent-up fury were unleashed as US forces solidified their grip on the city. “I’m 49, but I never lived a single day,” a happy Yussuf Abed Kazim said. “Only now will I start living.”

“We are not seeing any organized resistance,” Captain Frank Thorp declared. “The Iraqi military is unable to fight as an organized fighting force.”

Iraqi’s UN ambassador, Mohammed Al-Douri’s finally relented that “the game is over, and I hope peace will prevail.”

All-in-all 101 American troops and 30 British troops had been killed in the campaign to date. And though Saddam’s whereabouts continued to remain a mystery, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld declared that Saddam “is taking his rightful place” along side such dictators of the past as Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Vladimir Lenin.

Despite these remarkable and historical gains, on April 10 one more Marine was killed and 22 injured in a seven-hour battle in the Iraqi capital. “Baghdad’s still an ugly place,” Maj. Gen. Gene Renuart admitted.

Indeed there was still much to be done to bring the entire nation under US control. In the north US and Kurdish troops easily captured oil-rich Kirkuk without even a fight. A second city was well within their grasp.

On April 10 joint addresses from president Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair assured the Iraqi people, “Your nation will soon be free.”

Air Force Secretary James Roche stated, “We effectively have won the conflict. The regime is gone.”

Locals in Baghdad, however, claimed Saddam sightings. Some said that he paid a visit to the Imam al-Adham Mosque, stood on the roof of his car and greeted a throng of supporters. “Saddam was here, and I kissed him,” said one man. “People were kissing his feet. They were cheering. There were 200 people there.”

“My brother went up to Saddam and kissed his feet,” claimed another.

So what was the truth after all? Was Saddam dead or alive? Perhaps the Iraqi people were thinking that there was a second resurrection.

Not only was Saddam gone, but also so was his fortune. Estimates of his wealth ranged from $2 billion to $40 billion. Apparently all of it had been effectively hidden from sight in countries from Latin America to Asia. The Bush administration had already seized $1.6 billion of it, but US Treasury Secretary wanted all of the money: “The world must find, freeze and return Iraqi money for the Iraqi people and their future.” Perhaps Saddam had slipped out of the country and was now living in South America as a wealthy refugee.

On April 11 American troops took the northern city of Mosul without a fight. With the war looking like it was nearly won President Bush proclaimed, “I know he’s (Saddam) no longer in power.”

General Tommy Franks, the commanding general, detailed that Saddam and his sons were “either dead or they’re running like hell.”

About 55 of Saddam’s top people were on the run to be exact, because the US military issued a most-wanted list in the form of a deck of cards. They were distributed to thousands of US troops in the field with pictures of the criminals printed on them to help find the culprits. According to Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks, “the key list has 55 individuals who may be pursued, killed or captured, and the list does not exclude leaders who may have already been killed or captured. The intent here is to help the coalition gain information from the Iraqi people so that they also know exactly who it is we seek.”

Even the French, who had stood in tough resistance to the war had to admit that America was right. “The Americans have won the war - in only three weeks,” Le Figaro newspaper wrote in an editorial. “It’s a victory for George Bush.”

According to Francois Gere, director of the Paris-based Diplomatic and Defense Institute, “The French are seeing the truth – that the coalition was efficient.” Before the fighting began nay Sayers all over the world and in America had seen the United States and Britain as “invaders” opposed by the Iraqi people. “Instead we see pictures of Iraqi people celebrating – not only the arrival of British and US forces, but celebrating the end of a regime,” Gere detailed.

However, even as the world suddenly became convinced of the unfailing truthfulness of President Bush and the rightness of his cause, treason breathed its stench from the mouth of liberal America. The putrid belch of indignation for one’s country reached its climax in the deeds of the Benedict Arnold of the 21st century. Peter Arnett, while reporting from Baghdad on March 31 aided and abetted the enemy when he sided with Saddam to proclaim, “For 12 years I have been coming here, and I’ve met unfailing courtesy and cooperation.

“. . . This is clearly a city that is disciplined. The population is responsive to the government’s requirements of discipline.

“. . . It is clear that within the US there is a growing challenge to President Bush about the conduct of the war and also opposition to the war. So our reports about civilian casualties here, about the resistance of the Iraqi forces are going back to the US, and it helps those who oppose the war.” (emphasis added)

The specific purpose of these comments was to energize Saddam loyalists who fought against the United States of America by picturing as America as a house divided. Arnett lost his job in the affair and wandered over to the liberal media in Europe where he belonged. He should have been hanged.


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About the Author


Don Wigton is a graduate of the prestigious music department at CSULB where he studied under Frank Pooler, lyricist of Merry Christmas Darling, and sang in Pooler’s world renown University Choir alongside Karen and Richard Carpenter. During this time Don was also the lead composer of the band, Clovis Putney, that won the celebrated Hollywood Battle of the Bands. After giving his life to God, Don began attending Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa to study under some of the most prominent early Maranatha! musicians. Subsequently he toured the Western United States with Jedidiah in association with Myrrh Records.

Eventually Don served as a pastor at Calvary Chapel Bakersfield to witness thousands of salvations through that ministry. As the music/concert director, Don worked for seven years with most major Christian artist of that time while producing evangelical concerts attended by thousands of young people seeking after God. Don’s Calvary Chapel Praise Choir released the album Let All Who Hath Breath Praise the Lord on the Maranatha! label.

The next years of Don’s life were spent as the praise leader of First Baptist Church in Bakersfield during a time of unprecedented church renewal. Don teamed with the leadership to successfully meld the old with the new through a period of tremendous church growth. During this exciting time, Don’s praise team, Selah, produced the CD Stop and Think About It.

Today Don is the leading force behind Wigtune Company. This webbased project located at www.praisesong.net has provided several million downloads of Don’s music and hymn arrangements to tens of thousands of Christian organizations throughout the world. More music can be found at Don's Southern Cross Band website at www.socrossband.com.

The book Holy Wars represents Don’s most recent effort to bless the church with biblical instruction and direction in praise and worship. This heartfelt volume is an offering not only to God’s people, but also to God Himself.


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down arrow Check out this powerful Southern Cross song! down arrow


Empart - Click here to find out about the price that is being paid by those in Northern India and Nepal who have dedicated their lives to worship the Lord. Find out how you can be involved!An Incredible revival is occuring in Northern India and Nepal. CLICK HERE to find out more!

More Wigtune Blogs

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The Mind of Babylon_thumbnail.jpg (53483 bytes)

The Children of Babylon_thumbnail.jpg (58992 bytes)

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This second of five books looks into a pivotal moment in American history that corrupted her soul. It was a time when the United States was coming off an era of prosperity created by the sound economic policies, patriotism and faith of Ronald Reagan. However, during the '90s a president without scruples took the reigns of a house united and tore it asunder. As a result we live in a divided America on the brink of judgment.

Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!





The gospel band Southern Cross features worship, praise chorus and ministry songs in contemporary rock, country rock and even classic genres. Click here to go to their page to listen to our mp3 music and find out how to have them come to your area!

All For Freedom!

Thanks to the men and women who give their all for our freedom.


Father's Eyes

A nation in apostacy


Uh Uh Uh

There are many lying voices out in the world calling us to sin and despair.


You Broke My Heart

Jesus said "Let your yes be yes and your no's be no's." When we break our word people get hurt.



Wigtune Company

An offering of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs for the worship edification of the Body of Christ.
Colossians 3:15-17

Praise and Worship Songs to bless God. . .

Free Praise Music, Charts Song and Hymn Stories  

Top Ten Praise MP3s

Contemporary Worship and Praise Music Archive

Latest  Contemporary Praise and Worship Music Releases

Traditional Hymn Music

Christmas Praise Music

Easter Worship Music

Patriotic Praise Hymns (American)

Instrumental Worship Music

Praise Music For Worship Devotions

Contemporary Christian Ministry Songs

Free On-Line Praise and Worship Studybook  

Listen to Wigtune Worshim Music on live Internet radio

Wigtune Contemporary Worship, Praise and Hymn CD's

Karaoke (Accompanyment Tracks for your favorite Wigtunes)


Vision Statement

Wigtune Story 

Copyright Restrictions

Contact Us

Spread the Word!

Bible Study Helps, a Multitude of Christian Links and Other Goodies

Where's Wiggy? - List and Links to Christian Organizations

Statement of Faith

Special Report: Christianity in Russia - Has Anything Changed?


Holy_Wars_cover_small.jpg (51492 bytes)Holy Wars. . .a powerful and dynamic "must have" for every Christian who is seeking to worship God in the midst of the tempest of our modern world.

CLICK HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 to purchase a hard or soft cover copy of Don Wigton's book "Holy Wars" upon which this blog is based.

Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!




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Wigtune Company: Praise music and worship study resource.  Free Christian praise songs and hymns, chord charts for the contemporary chorus and traditonal hymn and gospel music, plus and on-line worship Bible study.

Click here for the Wigtune worship, praise and hymns Facebook page.

Millions of
Wigtune MP3


Pastors, worship music ministers, small group leaders, praise bands and members of over
3337 ministries from 94 countries world-wide including all 50 states in the United States
are now using Wigtune praise and worship resources.

We pray that these materials have provided all of you with untold blessings!

"I might not be a religious man myself but I know good music when I hear it, and this is very good! . . . I don’t think that I have ever given such high ratings to so many songs before. But the fact is that they are well deserved because the music is amazing. Simply wonderful religious ballads and they really get to your heart. . .everytime."
Fredrik Cole: Trax In Space



Winsome International was founded by Dr. John Lavender of First Baptist Church, Bakersfield. Don Wigton of Wigtune Company was the worship and praise leader there during a great growth expansion. Click here to hear the teaching that inspired so many.




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Wigtune Company offers free mp3 Jesus based praise music and song along with traditional Christian hymns performed in a contemporary fashion in order to encourage the body of Christ to blend the old with the new in a scriptural fashion.  An on-line Bible study is offered that goes into the biblical and historical foundation of worship for music ministries, the music minister, praise leader, pastor and serious Bible student.  The study is presented in outline form with relevant scripture references and questions.  Download this helpful work for free! was formed as a service to the body of Christ to encourage scriptural worship. To accomplish this goal Wigtune Company offers free contemporary Christian praise and worship music, contemporary Christian rock and hymn mp3 and chart material along with a free on-line worship study book for personal devotions, Bible study groups, Sunday schools, pastors, music ministers and ministry training.  In order to bridge the gap between the old and the new the worship study book gives solid theological and historical support to the use of traditional Christian hymn-singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing.

Click on one of the links below for praise and worship, praise tabs, worship chords, praise chorus mp3, hymn stories, pro tools studio, worship leader materials to enter into the area of the Wigtune site that interests you !

Wigtune Company believes that the current contention among Christian generations over church music is unnesessary.  One does not have to chose between the classic traditional hymn and the contemporary praise chorus and song.  Solomon declared that there is a place for everything under the sun. The worship musical material and the worship Bible study book offered at the Wigtune website support this theme. Vision Statement    Don and Vanessa Wigton share the vision of Wigtune Company.  Going to this page will inform the WEB surfer the circumstances that lead to the Wigtune offering of praise song and hymn along with the worship Bible study book that lends theology and history based support to the use of traditional Christian hymn singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing.   Wigtune Story    The Wigtune Company free on-line worship Bible study book is a manual for the use of the pastor, teacher, music minister, Bible study group, sunday school and any situation where a theological and historical lesson regarding worship is desired.  The Bible study is presented in outline form with questions that require thoughtful answers to the biblical and history based information that is presented.   Free On-Line Worship Studybook   

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.  Free Praise and Worship Music Mp3s and Charts   Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use. Wiggy's Top Ten Praise MP3s Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use. Radio: Listen to Wigtune Worship Music on Live Internet Radio

Wigtune Company offers free mp3 praise music in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.    Wigtune Praise Worship and Hymn CD's

 What are they saying about Wigtune praise and worship contemporary and hymn music   Testimonials: What they are saying about Wigtune Music

Please help Wigtune Company by observing the copyright restrictions listed on this page.  The praise and worship materials (praise songs and hymns) have been offered up for free with love!  Copyright Restrictions    

What do you think of Wigtune's offering of praise music and worship study materials?  Let us know by e-mailing us?   Contact Us    If you have been blessed by the free praise music (praise choruses and traditional hymns) and the worship study book, don't keep it to yourself.  Click here to see how you can spread the word!   Spread the Word!

Bullet1.gif (1151 bytes)  Bible Study Helps, a Multitude of Christian Links and Other Goodies

Click here to find out what organization are utilizing Wigtune contemporary Christian and traditional praise and worship music, chord charts, and online worship Bible study.  Where's Wiggy? - List and Links to Christian Organizations

  Click here to view the Wigtune statement of faith based upon orthodox Christian beliefs.  It is upon this profession that proclaims the doctrines of historical Christianity that the Wigtune praise and worship music and Bible study have been formulated.  Statement of Faith

Click here to view the Wigtune statement of faith based upon orthodox Christian beliefs.  It is upon this profession that proclaims the doctrines of historical Christianity that the Wigtune praise and worship music and Bible study have been formulated.   Special Report: Christianity in Russia - Has Anything Changed?

 The Wigtune Home Page: Free mp3 praise music and hymns sung in a contemporary fashion.  On-line worship study book for Bible students, music ministers, song leaders and pastors is also available!

This WEB page created by

Wigtune Company Praise and Worship Music Resource Center

Last updated on 06/18/12 This worship site for Christians was created in Front Page


Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.