Tags: 911, Twin Towers, Ground Zero, World Trade Center, WTC, War on
Terror, President George W Bush, Commander in Chief, Congress, Barbara J. Lee, Pentagon,
Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan, Taliban, Abdul Salam Zaeef, Osama bin Laden, In the mean time, Congress gave President Bush the go-ahead to wage war. In a 98-0 vote the Senate gave him the power to use all necessary and appropriate force to respond to the terror attacks. The House approved the use of force by a vote of 420-1. The lone member of Congress was Rep.
Barbara J. Lee, a radical leftist from In spite of the declarations of that single voice President Bush was elated: I am gratified that the Congress has united so powerfully by taking this action. It sends a clear message our people are together and we will prevail. Meanwhile the president took the first steps toward war by giving the Pentagon the authority to activate as many as 50,000 reserve troops to maintain aerial patrols over American cities and to strengthen security at crucial military and civilian installations. And the presidents target in his
offensive was clear: the mountains of Hearing of the plans of the The Talibans leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar had this to add: Death comes to everyone. We must stand proud as Afghans in the defense of Islam. Believe in God, for with the grace of God the American rockets will go astray and we will be saved. . . . The On September 15, as he ordered troops to
get ready for war, President Bush braced Americans for what lie ahead: Those who
make war against the Then, while indicating that Osama bin
Ladens days were numbered he continued, If he thinks he can hide and run from
the . . . We are at war. Everybody who wears the uniform: Get ready. . . . I will not settle for a
token act. Our response will be sweeping, sustained and effective. We have much to do and
much to ask of . . . you will be asked for your patience, for the conflict will not be short. You will be asked for resolve, for the conflict will not be easy. You will be asked for your strength, because the course to victory may be long. A terrorist attack designed to tear us apart has instead bound us together as a nation. . . . Victory against terrorism will not take place in a single battle but in a series of decisive actions against terrorist organizations and those who harbor and support them. . . . this is a conflict without battlefields or beachheads, a conflict with opponents who believe they are invincible. Yet they are mistaken. They will be exposed. Apparently Afghan citizens were hearing
the message loud and clear. Fearing the revenge of the I am not afraid of death or losing power, Taliban leader Omar insisted. I am willing to give up power and my seat, but Im not willing to give up Islam. We shall be victorious. On September 16 President Bush turned
back to the needs and security of the homeland. In order to explain his order to shoot
down any commercial aircraft that disobeyed orders to turn away from Then, in order to encourage Americans to return to their normal lives he stated, Tomorrow when you get back to work, work hard like you always have. My administration has a job to do. . . We will rid the world of evildoers. This crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take a while. And American people must be patient. Vice President Cheney added, The
government of Yet, in his first appearance since the attack, bin Laden flatly denied responsibility: I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation. Meanwhile, Ground Zero remained in
shambles. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani bravely encouraged the people of Speaking at a news conference, the gallant mayor assured that how one was to deal with the trauma was to show how strong we are and how terrorists cant cower us. Go ahead and go about the everyday activities. Go to church Sunday. If you go to a park and play with your children, do that. If you like to go out and spend money I would encourage that. Its always a good thing. Later in the day, he addressed a ceremony in which 168 firefighters were being promoted. In so doing he offered his own personal story about perseverance. While relating an account about his uncle whose legs were broken when he was thrown from a ladder truck while answering a false alarm the mayor detailed, One of my earliest memories is his talking about wanting to go back to work. It was the thing that got him through, the thing that sustained him. In spite of all the encouragement by the
president and Mayor Giuliani there was no call to national repentance. Rather the call was
for the nation to get on with its normal life as if nothing had happened. But, as clearly
demonstrated during the * * * On September 17, while visiting the Pentagon President Bush assured the nation in a Texas twang that he would get em running and to find em, and to hunt em down. With regard to bin Laden, the president offered the now infamous commentary, I want him I want justice. And theres an old poster out West, as I recall that said; Wanted: Dead or Alive. In spite of Mayor Giulianis leadership, only five survivors had been pulled out of the smoking ruins, and none since the preceding Wednesday. Yet the good mayor was not willing to give up hope saying, Ive been told by experts that people survive for longer periods than the six days that have gone by since the attack. The simple reality is that were not going to be able to recover significant numbers of people, but we will continue to try. But by September 18, the hope for survivors had all but faded. By then, the mayor finally conceded that there was virtually no hope of finding any more survivors of the catastrophe. We dont have any substantial amount of hope we can offer anyone that we will find anyone alive, he said. We have to prepare people for that overwhelming reality. Arrogantly the Taliban continued to
express their defiance, as if In Meanwhile According to R. James Woolsey, the former director of the CIA, It has never been true that terrorism operates under a legal regime of exclusive contracts. Theres never been anything inconsistent with the idea that bin Laden would be providing most of the people in this and Iraqi intelligence helping logistically and otherwise behind it. Also suggesting that the 1993 Indeed, Laurie Mylroie in the book
Study of Revenge, Saddam Husseins Unfinished War on Meanwhile, the concern over the
vulnerability of Then he insisted that were going to do everything we can to harmonize the constitutional rights of individuals with every legal capacity we can muster to also protect the safety and security of individuals. On September 19 the Pentagon ordered
dozens of advanced aircraft to the Donald Rumsfield clearly indicated that
a war with While stating, I owe it to the country to give an explanation, President Bush announced that he would address Congress and the nation the next day. No question its tough times, he said. This is a shock to the economy and we are going to respond. Because the government shut down the airlines after the 9/11 attack and the fact that most Americans were afraid to fly the friendly skies the airlines were the worst hit. Even after the skies were opened up again, the airlines struggled with a dramatic falloff of business. Thus the president was preparing to ask Congress to give the airlines $5 billion in immediate aid. Then, on I will not forget this wound to our country, or those who inflicted it, the president assured. I will not yield. I will not rest. His demands were not open for discussion. They will hand over the terrorists or they will share in their fate. Reminding the military to be
ready for the gathering war, the Commander in Chief stated, The hour is coming
when . . . The civilized world is
rallying to . . . By sacrificing human life to serve their radical visions they follow in the path of fascism and Nazism and totalitarianism. And they will follow that path all the way to where it ends, in historys unmarked grave of discarded lies. . . . The terrorists directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans and make no distinctions among military and civilians, including women and children. As a result of this despicable way of thinking he said, Great harm has been done to us. We have suffered great loss and in our grief and anger we have found our mission and our moment. Freedom and fear are at war." Yet the president cautioned Americans to remain alert stating, It is my hope that in the months and years ahead, life will return almost to normal. He asked for patience and warned of more
casualties as Yet it would be a war like none other in the history of the world. It may include dramatic strikes, visible on television, and covert operations, secret even in success, the president assured. Still he assured every American, Well go back to our lives and routines, and that is good. But our resolve must not pass. Tonight we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom, he said to sustained applause. Our grief has turned to anger and our anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to justice or justice to our enemies, justice will be done. In order to protect American civilians
during this protracted war, President Bush announced the creation of a new Cabinet-level
office to fortify homeland defenses. This Department of Homeland Defense would be headed
up by British Prime Minister Tony Blair demonstrated his unwavering support of the president as he sat in the gallery of the great congressional hall. He pledged our solidarity, our sympathy and our support. Nothing was at all normal in Ive never seen anything comparable to what weve seen here today, the magnitude of it, Lott declared. Its so important that we come and see what were dealing with. At the sight of the devastation even the divisive democratic Senate leader Tom Daschle had to get on board with the president, at least for the time being. Were here because we recognize this loss must be shared not only by New Yorkers, but by all Americans, he said. We are resolved to work together, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans, he also promised. As Senate minority leader Trent Lott declared, Tonight there is no opposition party. All-in-all 63 countries were believed to
have victims in the What also remained was the
presidents determination to exact revenge. This is not a time for negotiation
or discussions, warned President Bushs spokesman on September 21 as the
Pentagon committed more aircraft to the The economy continued to suffer sever setbacks. The stock market fell sharply, nearing the end of one of the gloomiest weeks in Wall Street history. The devastated airline industry laid off more people. Yet hope remained in the air as Attorney
General John Ashcroft reminded the nation of its great American will to survive and then
some: We will rebuild Our economy has had a shock, President Bush said the next day. But he noted that the foundation had been left unshaken. The military buildup continued on
September 22 as the Pentagon called up over five thousand reservists for homeland
defense. Active duty troops continued to move to positions within striking distance
of Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered his support stating, We have always been initiators of the effort to unite the forces of the international community in the battle with terror. If we want to win there is no other way. We must unite forces of all civilized society. Finally, on September 23, the nation was able move on from mourning as the solemn President Bush returned the American Flag to full staff. And there it hung, full and proud, reminding all Americans that their resolve would not fail to bring dramatic results. In the mean time, the Taliban was busily
attempting to save their skins. Under pressure from President Bush to produce Osama bin
Laden, the leadership of the rouge outfit insisted that it was unable to find the
terrorist. Top Were not going to be deterred by comments that he may be missing, Condoleezza Rice confirmed. Donald Rumsfels added, They know where he is. They know their country. . . It is just not believable that the Taliban do not know where the network can be located and found and can be turned over. With regard to the nations security, on September 24 federal authorities charged the first person with aiding terrorist hijackers. Herbert Villalobos was charged with helping one of the suspected hijackers obtain a Virginia ID card a month before the attacks. Meanwhile, President Bush announced that he would now hit the terrorists financially. In so doing he issued an executive order freezing the financial assets of 27 organizations and people, including Osama bin Laden. Money is the lifeblood of terrorist operations, he assured. Today were asking the world to stop payment. In defiance, Osama bin Laden spoke out
for himself in a FAX to . . . We tell our Muslim brothers
in We ask God to make us defeat the
infidels and oppressors and to crush the new Jewish-Christian crusader campaign on the If God allows you to win, there will be no defeat. If he chooses that you will be defeated, nothing will allow you to win. Therefore, depend on God. As that nonsense was going on, back in Homeland Security remained a priority as
On September 25 John Ashcroft warned that there was a clear and present danger of additional terrorist attacks. This comment resulted from an incident wherein about 20 people were charged with attempting to obtain fraudulent drivers licenses to drive tankers. The Department of Justice indicated that some of the people arrested in connection with the hazardous waste licenses might have had connections to the hijackers. So, the country was now faced with the possibility of trucks full of dangerous chemicals on the loose with terrorists at the wheels. Terrorism is a clear and present danger to Americans today, he stated. Intelligence information available to the FBI indicates a potential for additional terrorist incidents. Therefore, on September 26 law enforcement authorities arrested 10 Middle Eastern men on charges of fraudulently obtaining licenses to transport hazardous materials. The concern was that terrorists might strike next using chemical or biological weapons. Back in At the same time bin Ladens al-Qaida organization issued its own defiant warning: Wherever there are Americans and Jews, they will be targeted. President Bush countered by suggesting
that the people of Americans were still not taking to the
friendly skies. So, in fear that the airlines could well go under, on September 27
President Bush asked the nations governors to post National Guard troops at
airports. While attempting to coax Americans back into jets he declared, This nation
will not live in fear. He urged the crowd not to give terrorism a victory by staying
on the ground. Get on the airlines, he pleaded, get about the business
of . . . The government and the
private sector will make flying a way of life again in Even as the president was attempting to
persuade Americans that flying was safe, a document belonging to the hijackers
demonstrated the resolve of those who turned the skies over The document revealed a chilling message to the hijackers encouraging them to stick together and overcome their fears in carrying out the terrorist attacks. In clearly demonstrating the resolve of these crazy people who were willing to commit suicide in order to follow the will of Allah, the document read, Purify your heart and clean it from all earthly matters. The time of fun and waste has gone. The time of judgment has arrived. Hence we need to utilize those few hours to ask God for forgiveness. You have to be convinced that those few hours that are left in your life are very few. From there you will begin to live the happy life, the infinite paradise. Be optimistic. The prophet was always optimistic. On September 28, New York Mayor Rudolph
Giuliani advised the nation of the degree of destruction that had occurred to the So on September 28, while never
forgetting the devastation that bin-Laden had inflicted upon Meanwhile the Bush administration
continued to attempt to persuade the Taliban to give up bin-Laden in order to avoid war.
However, when talking to a delegation of Pakistani religious and government leaders who
traveled to Then, after two weeks of unsuccessful attempts to convince the Taliban to hand over the worlds most renown terrorist, President Bush lashed out, The United states respects the people of Afghanistan and we are their largest provider of humanitarian support. But we condemn the Taliban, and welcome the support of other nations in isolating that regime. Even as he spoke, the military buildup
in the area continued to grow. While amassing 28,000 sailors, airmen and troops, more than
300 warplanes and two-dozen warships spread for thousands of miles across a military
theater with Then, under threat of strikes, on
September 30 the Taliban backpedaled on its assertion that it had no idea regarding the
whereabouts of bin-Laden. The Taliban remained defiant as Abdul Salam Zaeef proclaimed to the world, He (bin-Laden) is under our control. Wherever he is, hes in a secret place but that doesnt mean that he is out of control of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Hes in a place which cannot be located by anyone. . . We are thinking of negotiation, he continued adding that if direct evidence against bin Laden were produced, it might change things. The White House, though, was in no mood to negotiate with those who were actively harboring terrorists. The president has said were not negotiating, White House chief of staff Andrew Card assured. Then, raising the stakes even higher he added, Theyve got to turn not only Osama bin Laden over but all the operatives of the al-Qaida organization. Theyve got to stop being a haven where terrorists can train. Indeed, General Henry H. Shelton warned
that the On the home front John Ashcroft continued to warn, We believe that there is the likelihood of additional terrorist activity. And it is our job to do whatever we can to interrupt it, to disrupt it. We believe there are others who may be in the country who would have plans. Then he called on Congress to meet a Friday deadline that President Bush set for the approval of his plan to fight terrorism at home. Congress had been cool toward the Bush administrations anti-terrorism package. We think there is a very serious threat of additional problems now. And frankly, as the United Sates responds, that threat may escalate. Very frankly, we need to do everything we can here at home. The attorney general was claiming that his department desperately needed increased powers for surveillance, the ability to use information gathered by foreign governments and the ability to detain terrorist suspects for longer periods of time. Talk will not prevent terrorism, he continued. We need to have action by the Congress. We need the tools to prevent terrorism. On October 1 it was revealed that Osama
bin Laden had telephoned his mother in With military intervention in President Bush proclaimed the progress
of the war against terror. While citing hundreds of arrests both in the The evildoers struck and when they did they arouse a mighty land. We will not be cowered by a few. Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
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Don Wigton
is a graduate of the prestigious music department at CSULB where he studied under Frank
Pooler, lyricist of Merry Christmas Darling, and sang in Poolers world renown
University Choir alongside Karen and Richard Carpenter. During this time Don was also the
lead composer of the band, Clovis Putney, that won the celebrated Hollywood Battle of the
Bands. After giving his life to God, Don began attending Calvary Chapel, Eventually
Don served as a pastor at Calvary Chapel Bakersfield to witness thousands of salvations
through that ministry. As the music/concert director, Don worked for seven years with most
major Christian artist of that time while producing evangelical concerts attended by
thousands of young people seeking after God. Dons Calvary Chapel Praise Choir
released the album Let All Who Hath Breath Praise the Lord on the Maranatha! label. The next
years of Dons life were spent as the praise leader of Today Don is
the leading force behind Wigtune Company. This
webbased project located at www.praisesong.net has provided several million downloads of
Dons music and hymn arrangements to tens of thousands of Christian organizations
throughout the world. More music can be found at Don's Southern
Cross Band website at www.socrossband.com. The book Holy Wars represents Dons most recent effort to bless the church with biblical instruction and direction in praise and worship. This heartfelt volume is an offering not only to Gods people, but also to God Himself. Connect With Don Online |
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This second of five books looks into a pivotal moment in American history that corrupted her soul. It was a time when the United States was coming off an era of prosperity created by the sound economic policies, patriotism and faith of Ronald Reagan. However, during the '90s a president without scruples took the reigns of a house united and tore it asunder. As a result we live in a divided America on the brink of judgment.Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
All For Freedom! Thanks to the men and women who give their all for our freedom.
Father's Eyes A nation in apostacy
Uh Uh Uh There are many lying voices out in the world calling us to sin and despair.
You Broke My Heart Jesus said "Let your yes be yes and your no's be no's." When we break our word people get hurt.
Wigtune Company An offering of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs for the
worship edification of the Body of Christ. Praise and Worship Songs to bless God. . .
CLICK HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 to purchase a hard or soft cover copy of Don Wigton's book "Holy Wars" upon which this blog is based. Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
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