Tags: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbons, Ancient Rome, taxation, spread the wealth, tax the rich, overspending, Silver Certificate, currency devaluation, President Clinton, Al Gore, Bob Kerry, Robin Hood, taxing out of debt, George Mitchell, national debt, House of Representatives, Charles Schumer, Nero, Medicare, Social Security, corporate income tax,1990 Budget act, Ronald Reagan, Reagan tax cuts, tax on the wealthy, Senate Finance Committee, Uncle Sam, Apostle Paul, Tarsus, Hellenistic Jew, persecution of the church
Gibbons wrote in The Decline and Fall of
the Taxation is never a solution to resolve the problems created by overspending. In this case the policy we now are adhering to in modern society spelled financial disaster for this ancient culture; to the extent of absolute elimination of that particular civilization altogether. It took some time, as we will discuss later. For now suffice it to say that if
history is any indication, then President Clinton got himself elected
promising he would tax the "I think the American people want action," assured Senate Majority Leader, George Mitchell in asserting that the Senate supported the President's plan. "I think the American people want change. And this Senate has taken a step toward giving it to them." House Budget Committee Chairman Martin Sabo declared, "They elected a new president with a new vision for the future. . .Today's the time for us to deliver." You will also leave that place with
your hands on your head, for the LORD has rejected those you trust; you will not be helped
by them. (Jeremiah What were these "trusted" people to deliver? . . .One of the biggest tax increases in history. It was an increase that the Senate GOP leader characterized as "the largest tax increase in the history of the world." This increase would focus its attention on the large corporations and the wealthy. All of this was to be done in the name of reducing the National Debt. When President Clinton was asked why Americans would be happy to pay higher taxes he responded, "I think the American people want us finally to step up to the bar and reduce the national deficit and get it down to zero and get some economic growth going. . .We're finally beginning to face our problems in a mature fashion, and I'm encouraged." This "mature" solution of
taxing our way out of debt was the Roman solution. It failed in In spite of the consistent historical record that testifies that an economic plan such as this would surely fail, the nation's legislators began to deliberate the merits of the proposed solution. In the midst of the intense debate, the president took his case to the people. "It's been at least 30 years since the president has asked Americans to take personal responsibility for our country's future," he insisted. "No more something for nothing. We're all in this together. . .We're on the verge of breaking out of the old false choice between tax-and-spend and trickle down, between abandonment and entitlement." The president was proposing something new. It was a measure that he contended was fair and did a responsible job of reducing the deficit. It was intended to "revive the American dream by restoring the economy." Then the president turned his attention to Congress and declared, "Now there are only two choices, our plan or no plan." So, on, President Clinton was in a victorious mood. He proclaimed that the House had voted "no to gridlock, no to the status quo and no to the special interests who worked so very hard to frighten Americans." "This is our historic opportunity for getting our economic house in order," he later said. The bill still had to pass through the hands of the deeply divided Senate. In fact, the budget came down to the vote of one man. Senator Bob Kerry had spent weeks pondering his decision but could not make up his mind. Then, when the tally was taken, he voted "yes" to President Clinton's measure stating that he "could not and would not cast a vote that would bring down" the administration. As it turned out, his vote made it a tie that was broken by Vice-president Al Gore. Not a Republican in either chamber voted for the budget. Many Democrats jumped ship as well. Bob Dole noted that it was "certainly not a mandate, two votes in the House and one in the Senate. . .This is a bad plan," he added. "It raises taxes, and it does little to effectively reduce government spending or control the deficit." Nonetheless, though it only passed by
three votes, a budget was produced for What were the specifics of this "new direction?" Income taxes of the wealthy would go up. High wage earners would be subject to a 2.9% payroll tax for Medicare. Those with the higher Social Security incomes would pay more. Corporate income tax would go up. Certain business deductions would be eliminated. So as not to leave the middle class feeling left out, a 4.3 cent per gallon tax on gasoline would be levied. More and more money was to be procured to feed the gigantic governmental machine that had purposed itself to spend -- spend -- and spend again. In the 1990 Budget act, the government had once before adopted the liberal agenda and raised taxes under the same premise as incorporated by President Clinton. It was a dogma that insisted that one could lower the deficit by taxing the "rich." What was the result? The deficit ballooned! In the spirit of Nero, the liberal
Democrats had determined in their agenda to punish those who had profited under the
Republican dynasty started by President Reagan the decade before. They claimed that 12
years of Republican administrations featuring tax cuts for the rich had left The truth was that the Reagan tax cuts were for everyone, and everyone benefited. All income groups saw their incomes rise from 1980-1989. Economist Alan Reynolds pointed out, "The mean average of real income rose by 15.2% from 1980 to 1989. . . compared with a 0.8% decline from 1970 to 1980." Yes, the middle class shrunk, but it was because people had gotten rich. As far as the affluent were concerned, the much-maligned "top 1 percent" of earners increased their share of the total tax burden dramatically during the 80's. In 1981, the top 1 percent paid 18.2 percent of federal taxes. By 1988, the top 1 percent was paying 28 percent of total taxes. This was in spite of the fact that they were allotted tax breaks! Figure it out for yourself. The answer becomes obvious. Just as the supply-side economists
predicted, cutting tax rates actually increased the flow of revenues into the national
coffers. Between 1981 and 1987, federal revenues increased by 42%. Unfortunately,
governmental spending increased by 50% during the same period. Thus you have the cause of
the deficit and the source of On April 1994, On Do, you have a housekeeper? Pay the tax. Is your gardener or baby sitter over 18? Cough it up. Uncle Sam needs your support. The government has resolved itself to squeeze every dime it can out of ever sector of the populace it can find the cash. This is Nero's agenda, folks. It is the doctrine of big government. It is the program of the one who would have people working for the government rather than government working for them. It is the notion of the taskmaster who would become a dictator over the people. Now what happens in an environment when government has decided to take its wrath out on the wealthy? The Rome of Nero could explain it to us quite well. In spite of his constant persecution of
the church in While Nero spent two years in But learning he had been condemned to a
cruel fate by a decree of the Senate, he committed suicide with the help of his secretary,
Epharoditus. So on Nero was an incredulous individual with an eye for women carrying that "nameless vice of antiquity-love of a male favorite." There was no sin that this man of effeminate tastes overlooked. However God still saw fit to reach out to him through this man, Paul who was so compelled to appear before Caesar that he jeopardized his freedom to do so. (Acts 28:16) As it turned out, this incidental
meeting between the Ruler of the known world and a Hellenistic Jew from "Look, here comes a man in a
chariot with a team of horses. And he gives back the answer: ' Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
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Don Wigton
is a graduate of the prestigious music department at CSULB where he studied under Frank
Pooler, lyricist of Merry Christmas Darling, and sang in Poolers world renown
University Choir alongside Karen and Richard Carpenter. During this time Don was also the
lead composer of the band, Clovis Putney, that won the celebrated Hollywood Battle of the
Bands. After giving his life to God, Don began attending Calvary Chapel, Eventually
Don served as a pastor at Calvary Chapel Bakersfield to witness thousands of salvations
through that ministry. As the music/concert director, Don worked for seven years with most
major Christian artist of that time while producing evangelical concerts attended by
thousands of young people seeking after God. Dons Calvary Chapel Praise Choir
released the album Let All Who Hath Breath Praise the Lord on the Maranatha! label. The next
years of Dons life were spent as the praise leader of Today Don is
the leading force behind Wigtune Company. This
webbased project located at www.praisesong.net has provided several million downloads of
Dons music and hymn arrangements to tens of thousands of Christian organizations
throughout the world. More music can be found at Don's Southern
Cross Band website at www.socrossband.com. The book Holy Wars represents Dons most recent effort to bless the church with biblical instruction and direction in praise and worship. This heartfelt volume is an offering not only to Gods people, but also to God Himself. Connect With Don Online |
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This second of five books looks into a pivotal moment in American history that corrupted her soul. It was a time when the United States was coming off an era of prosperity created by the sound economic policies, patriotism and faith of Ronald Reagan. However, during the '90s a president without scruples took the reigns of a house united and tore it asunder. As a result we live in a divided America on the brink of judgment.Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
All For Freedom! Thanks to the men and women who give their all for our freedom.
Father's Eyes A nation in apostacy
Uh Uh Uh There are many lying voices out in the world calling us to sin and despair.
You Broke My Heart Jesus said "Let your yes be yes and your no's be no's." When we break our word people get hurt.
Wigtune Company An offering of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs for the
worship edification of the Body of Christ. Praise and Worship Songs to bless God. . .
CLICK HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 to purchase a hard or soft cover copy of Don Wigton's book "Holy Wars" upon which this blog is based. Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
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