Tags: 911, Ground Zero, Twin Towers, World
Trade Center, WTC, War on Terror, President George W Bush, NATO, Donald Rumsfield, John
Ashcroft, Collen Powell, hijackers,
On September 12, President Bush, while calling the attacks acts of war, vowed an all-out war on terror. There will be a monumental struggle of good verses evil, he promised. . . . Good will prevail. . . this battle will take time to resolve. NATO strongly supported Bushs case for military action. NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson declared in that regard, An attack on one is an attack on all. The parties will take such action as it deems necessary, including armed force. Donald Rumsfield assured . . . We are, in a sense, seeing the definition of a new battlefield in the world, a 21st century battlefield. And it is a different kind of conflict. Attorney General John Ashcroft revealed
on the same day that teams of We have identified through a number of leads a number of individuals whom we believe may have had something to so with the hijackings, and we are pursuing those leads aggressively, FBI Director Robert Mueller added. According to Sen. Kay Hutchinson, five
of the men suspected in the hijackings had passports from Arab countries. Other hijackers
had ties to Fighting back the tears on September 13,
as he visited Then, turning his attention to bin Laden
the president continued that the And there was a promise that this anger
would result in strong retaliation. According to the Pentagon, the In the mean time, On September 14, with U.S. fighter jets roaring overhead, President Bush stepped unto Ground Zero (the site of the New York attack) to give a thumbs up and shake hands with the courageous firefighters who had already removed 10,000 of debris while desperately searching for a any life in the ruins. Up to that point the gallant men and women had only found two people alive since the terrorist assault. They desperately needed a shot in the arm. While grabbing an American flag and a bullhorn to personally thank the rescue workers, the president declared, The nation sends its love and compassion. Suddenly, someone interrupted him, We cant hear you. I can hear you, and the rest of the world hears you, the president responded. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear us all soon! To that declaration the demoralized workers cheered and chanted, U-S-A, U-S-A, and Go get em George! Michael Curley, a retired firefighter, had a chance to talk to President Bush: You got a warm feeling from the man. I needed that a little bit, so Im going to go to my car, change my socks and go back in. As lawmen made their first arrest of a man suspected of having information, a State Department Official met with 15 Arab representatives and gave them a stark choice: Either they declare their nations members of an international coalition against terrorism or risk being isolated in this growing global conflict. Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
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Don Wigton
is a graduate of the prestigious music department at CSULB where he studied under Frank
Pooler, lyricist of Merry Christmas Darling, and sang in Poolers world renown
University Choir alongside Karen and Richard Carpenter. During this time Don was also the
lead composer of the band, Clovis Putney, that won the celebrated Hollywood Battle of the
Bands. After giving his life to God, Don began attending Calvary Chapel, Eventually
Don served as a pastor at Calvary Chapel Bakersfield to witness thousands of salvations
through that ministry. As the music/concert director, Don worked for seven years with most
major Christian artist of that time while producing evangelical concerts attended by
thousands of young people seeking after God. Dons Calvary Chapel Praise Choir
released the album Let All Who Hath Breath Praise the Lord on the Maranatha! label. The next
years of Dons life were spent as the praise leader of Today Don is
the leading force behind Wigtune Company. This
webbased project located at www.praisesong.net has provided several million downloads of
Dons music and hymn arrangements to tens of thousands of Christian organizations
throughout the world. More music can be found at Don's Southern
Cross Band website at www.socrossband.com. The book Holy Wars represents Dons most recent effort to bless the church with biblical instruction and direction in praise and worship. This heartfelt volume is an offering not only to Gods people, but also to God Himself. Connect With Don Online |
More Wigtune Blogs
This second of five books looks into a pivotal moment in American history that corrupted her soul. It was a time when the United States was coming off an era of prosperity created by the sound economic policies, patriotism and faith of Ronald Reagan. However, during the '90s a president without scruples took the reigns of a house united and tore it asunder. As a result we live in a divided America on the brink of judgment.Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
All For Freedom! Thanks to the men and women who give their all for our freedom.
Father's Eyes A nation in apostacy
Uh Uh Uh There are many lying voices out in the world calling us to sin and despair.
You Broke My Heart Jesus said "Let your yes be yes and your no's be no's." When we break our word people get hurt.
Wigtune Company An offering of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs for the
worship edification of the Body of Christ. Praise and Worship Songs to bless God. . .
CLICK HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 to purchase a hard or soft cover copy of Don Wigton's book "Holy Wars" upon which this blog is based. Click Here to purchase the E-book edition for only 99 cents!
![]() Millions of
Pastors, worship music ministers, small group
leaders, praise bands and members of over We pray that these materials have provided all of you with untold blessings! "I might not be a religious
man myself but I know good music when I hear it, and this is very good! . . . I dont think that I have ever given such high
ratings to so many songs before. But the fact is that they are well deserved
because the music is amazing. Simply wonderful religious ballads and they
really get to your heart. . .everytime."
was formed as a service to the body of Christ to encourage scriptural
worship. To accomplish this goal Wigtune Company offers free contemporary Christian praise
and worship music, contemporary Christian rock and hymn mp3 and chart material along with
a free on-line worship study book for personal devotions, Bible study groups, Sunday
schools, pastors, music ministers and ministry training. In order to bridge the gap
between the old and the new the worship study book gives solid theological and
historical support to the use of traditional Christian hymn-singing in conjunction with
praise chorus singing.
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Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.